Saturday, 6 June 2009
Here We Go, Here We Go, Here we Go Again!
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Can't get up..
Monday, 27 April 2009
A Tough Day
Austria... hmm not much to say
Monday, 20 April 2009
Reflections on a spunky friend
Anyways, being back in the Czech Republic means that internet access is much easier to come by so I stopped in a cafe, bought a hot chocolate, and sat down to catch up on the world. After reading some of my favorite blogs I was inspired to write a memory i have of my amazing friend Robyn Brough who will be reporting to the MTC tomorrow to go to France on her mission.
One night during her freshman year of college a bunch of old high school friends got together for some fun times. I don't really remember what we did but I do remember that I was able to give Robyn a lift back to her dorm at Heritage Halls, BYU since I was living in a townhouse nearby at the time.
Robyn is one of those girls who you could see as the next Sister Hinckley or Sister Monson. Beautiful, smart, fun, and with a sweet spirit and rock solid testimony. As it was just us in the car we started talking about a secret desire we have always had to do something illegal. Nothing terrible of course because we usually toe the line (her more than I) and anything too bad would make us feel absolutely terrible.
I was driving a VW Cabrio (Rabbit) Convertable - the ultimate high school car - and realized as I was dropping her off that the sidewalks at Heritage Halls are wider than the width of my car. Suddenly I knew we could do it, we could live on the wild side. I quickly drove up on the sidewalk and kept driving to her apartment. As silly as it was we felt it was a rush :) I told her that if any BYU police pulled me over I would explain that it wasn't polite to make a lady walk to her door so late and that we were driving on the sidewalks in the name of safety. The fun part was watching the reactions we got from the boys and girls that wanted to still be together even though it was past curfew so they had to wait outside - especially when i had to reverse around a couple corners to get back out.
Robyn I know you won't read this but i think you're great! Good Luck!!!
A Translyvanian Tale
So a few days ago I was traveling in Translivania, a region in Romania. It was in the evening and we had just left a palace in the mountains and walked back to our rental car. I made the joke about feeling ready to drive (it is a manuel and I only had 1 short lesson - they let me drive about 5 feet). Not only do i not really know how but i am not on the insurance since I am only 20 but they jokingly gave me the keys to see what i would do - silly people.
Of course i took the keys and started the car. I put it into reverse and slowly backed out of our parking spot in the empty lot. I then tried to get it into 1st gear. It took a few tries, probably 3 or 4 but then i started going. That was when they realized they didn't teach me what happened next and so they started freaking out that I was actually driving the car. Right at the moment when they were freaking out about my amazing manuel skills ;) I started freaking out because right in front of me crossing the road was a bear!!
Honest to goodness it was a bear! In the middle of the night in Translyvania! It wasn't too worried about me because it was being chased by 2 mean dogs but it didn't move all that quickly either. I think it was considering if it would be safer inside the car with us. We were all so stunded we just sat there in the stalled car waiting to see what it would do and debating the safest way to photograph this epic event.
Eventually the bear, and the dogs, went on their way and I felt safe enough to move back to the backseat where i will be staying from here on out in Romania!
Sunday, 12 April 2009
So I promised I would Blog...
Thursday, 2 April 2009

Thursday, 12 March 2009
5th week Blues
Oxford has a unique system where a term only lasts 8 weeks but there are no breaks or holidays during those 8 weeks, you have to go straight through it. The end of fifth week is when the depression hits the students hard. You are more than halfway done but there is so much work left to do it takes the mickey out of ya. My friend Kaylena found the perfect solution to the blues though and organized a group of friends to go to the house and grave of C.S. Lewis in Headington, England. It was a beautiful day, with great people, and dedicated to an incredible author and Christian.
Pink Hair Adventure

Tommy D.

Saturday, 28 February 2009
Yeah its been a while...
Monday, 16 February 2009
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Where in the world.... Dang it!
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
I figure its about time I take my sister's lead and just post a massive amount of photos on the blog. If you're lucky I have a subtitle telling you what you are looking at, otherwise make up some cool story about it. Okay this is getting really messed up but the pictures all around here are from a walk I took in the countryside a few weeks ago and then below here there should be captions for the rest...
So yeah, the layout of this blog stinks, I just didn't want to try and fix it all. I have been spoiled with my experience with Adobe... But its a blog and its what you all asked for so I will continue to try and keep this afloat. I love you all!!
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
I have guilt!
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Here's a Question for all you Fantastic Bloggers!
Monday, 19 January 2009
U 164

I finally found my way inside of the Bodleian Library to the Upper Reading Room and have decided that whenever possible I shall now study in number U164. It is in the laptop friendly zone, at the end of the row, and is across from a window that looks out over some of the historical buildings of Oxford. I imagine the view from this window has had only minor changes in the last 300 years or so.
So for some reason I find this library very entertaining. For starters I had to take a pledge before they would give me a library card which is called The Bodleian Declaration "I hereby undertake not to remove from the Library, or to mark, deface, or injure in any way, any volume, document, or other object belonging to it or in its custody; not to bring into the Library or kindle therein any fire or flame, and not to smoke in the Library; and I promise to obey all the rules of the Library."
Then at every seat there is posted a guidelines for readers page"
-ask a member of staff should you require assistance
-behave considerately towards staff and other library users
-do not consume food or drink of any kind in the Library
-switch off your mobile phone and personal stereo
-observe the silent study rule
-note it is forbidden to use cameras and copying devices
-use Library computers only for searching catalogues, databases and the Internet
For further guidance on the Library's regulations consult A General Guide to the Bodleian Library and its Dependent LIbraries
There is also posted a Handling and Caring for Library Material page"
To ensure that the material you are using remains available to other readers please
-handle library material with clean hands
-remove and replace books on shelves as shown
-close books not in use and never put open books face down
-hold an open book in two hands and never fold the cover back on itself
-rest books on foam supports if they are available
-use bookmarks instead of turning down the corners of pages
-make notes on paper laid on the surface of the table
-unfold and refold maps and fold-outs carefully - if unsure consult staff
-notify staff if the book you are using has uncut pages
-remember that writing in or mutilating library material is a punishable offence
For further guidance on handling and caring for library material visit
So looks like the guys here take their books pretty seriously!
Sunday, 18 January 2009
A Very Crazy Weekend
Friday, 16 January 2009
Where I Live - Part 2
Where I Live - Part 1
on the top floor