Kayleigh got the dye - I choose a dark purple that seemed extreme but conservative enough that my professors wouldn't refuse to teach me, while Kayleigh went for an extreme pink and electric blue. I had never used this brand of dye before and was surprised when I was washing it out that it never stopped running. Because of this I stayed in the shower for almost an hour waiting for the color to stop running down the drain.
Turns out this was a poor choice - my skin became so porous that it slurped up the purple water running down my body. Certain parts of my body were pink for over a week! Great Times!
Before Photo: (This is the one on my mission papers)

After Photo: very very pink
Final Result:
One of my professors said he liked the purple hair because it 'accentuated my thinness, darling'
ok - your webcam definitely didn't do your pink skin justice! Now you need to convince Alex that it's ok for me to post the pictures of her after she tried to self-tan! They are pretty good too - not pink skin good, but white girl turned native american good!