Sunday, 3 May 2009

Can't get up..

I am having one of those mornings where it took me far to long to wake up, and it took nature's urgent tug to even get me out of bed. But once everything was back in order and comfortable I went back to bed, still hitting the snooze every 5 minutes. Calculating what make-up i don't need to put on, the easiest way to do my hair so it doesn't look like bedhead. Trying to figure every way possible to stay exactly as I am.

Now I am reclining in bed, blogging, and yet I have to be off to church in less than 20 minutes. Still in my pajamas, teeth unbrushed, but I just can't seem to get up. 

Hopefully the hour long drive to church will wake me up so I don't fall back asleep on the pew. That would definitely be noticed, embarrassing, and mocked for eternity....